Petrol Blobs in the Sky! Hey look at that!

People are asking “What are those unusual objects we are seeing in our skies?” The answer is “Petrol Blobs.” According to the Zetas of ZetaTalk, petrochemical components were gathered into Nibiru’s debris tail in the past, during its many passages through the Asteroid Belt. When Nibiru’s debris tail wafts across Earth, these petrochemicals components are... Continue Reading →

Hey look! Petrol Blobs in the Sky!

People are asking “What are those unusual objects we are seeing in our skies?” The answer is “Petrol Blobs.” According to the Zetas of ZetaTalk, petrochemical components were gathered into Nibiru’s debris tail in the past, during its many passages through the Asteroid Belt. When Nibiru’s debris tail wafts across Earth, these petrochemicals components are... Continue Reading →

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